
Recent activity Mt Anak Krakatau Mar,2009

Results and visual monitoring of development activities kegempaan Gunungapi Children Krakatau in Lampung Selatan District, Lampung Province: I. Observation Kegempaan At this time G. Son of Krakatau in Waspada status, activities kegempaan since 1 March 2009 as follows: * Date 1 – 18 March 2008, seismograph is often not the road at night (Off Carrier), as a means to share resources that in the weak, this can happen because the weather is often cloudy. Earthquake in vulkanik (VA) recorded an…

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Climbing to Gunung Semeru

Climbing to Gn. Semeru » 1. PROCESS Licensing climbing Unlike the other tourism activities which pengnjung can go directly to tourism dituju, then climb to the prospective climber must first take care licensing office in TN. Bromo Tengger Semeru Management Section office through TN Wilyah II (SPTN II) at Overlapping with the telephone number (0341) 787972 for the climber from the entrance of Malang, office and Resort Management Area TN Ranupani when climber from the entrance Lumajang. Licensing can be…

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Traveling Indonesia

Ninbrung, Kebetulan tgl 21 Feb, ini Hari Guide sedunia.. eh salah, hari Tour Guides sedunia. Pagi pagi saya dapat SMS Cantik, isinya begini “Selamat anda memilih profesi sebagai guide, semoga profesi ini semakin cemerlang, hidup guide..!! Hari ini 21 februari adalah hari guide sedunia, mohon saling berucap salam dan bersilaturahmi. Tq” Saya iseng FW ke kawan yang jauh di pelosok, jawabnya.. Oh, ada ya, hari Guides? Semoga aja hidup semakin cemerlang dengan Berprofesi sebagai Guide, istilah dalam Bahasa Indonesia dinamakan…

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Mount Semeru Closed to Climbers

Mount Semeru Closed to Climbers Monday, 05 January, 2009 | 14:57 WIB TEMPO Interactive, Lumajang: Starting from today (5/1), the Semeru Bromo Tengger National Park is closed, due to poisonous gases. Jusman, head of the national park for the Lumajang area, said that the permission will not be granted for climbers. “If there are any climbing activities, they’ll be considered illegal,” he said. He mentioned three reasons for not allowing climbing activities: the weather, the climbing route condition, and poisonous…

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