I. Tremor Earthquake
• Tremor Earthquake dated August 15, 2009, recorded 4 times a Volcanic Earthquake In (VA) with amplituda maximum 4 to 8 mm, SP 0.5 – 1 seconds, and the old earthquake from 7 to 10 seconds. 1 time Earthquake Low Frequency (LF) with a maximum of 3 mm amplituda and 55 seconds long earthquake. Tectonic Quake 4 times Far (TJ) with amplituda maximum of 6 to 24 mm, SP 7.5 – 31 seconds, and the old earthquake from 40 to 252 seconds. 1 time Earthquake Tectonics Local (TL) with a maximum of 6 mm amplituda, SP 4 seconds, and 17.5 seconds long earthquake.
• Tremor Earthquake August 16, 2009 at 14:30 pm until August 17, 2009 at 06.00 WIB, was recorded 917 times Volcanic Earthquake In (VA). Volcanic earthquake 30 times Shallow (VB). Earthquake Tremor continuous. Tectonic Earthquake 150 times Far (TJ). Tectonic earthquake 42 times Local (TL). Earthquake felt 21 times. Earthquake Tremor continuous.
II. Visual
Since August 15, 2009 to August 17, 2009 at 06.00 WIB visual observation G. Talang noted overcast / cloudy, wind calm, the mountain shrouded in fog, and the air temperature 18-22o C.
III. Conclusion
1. Observations kegempaan G. Talang show that the earthquake of Volcanic-In (VA) and the Earthquake Tremor increased significantly since the earthquake of felt dated August 16, 2009.
2. Based on data kegempaan, visual, and data analysis; the starting date of August 17, 2009 at 10:00 pm, the status of activities of G. Talang is increased from “Beware” (Level II) into “Standby” (Level III).
In connection with the increased status of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation will improve the monitoring and the Emergency Response Team assigned to conduct the evaluation activities Talang Gunungapi.
Continue intensive monitoring conducted to evaluate the level of activity G. Talang. If the event G. Talang back increases / decreases, then the status can be increased Gunungapi Gutters / down again.
IV. Recommendations
Due to the increased status, then we recommend:
1. Community and visitors / tourists are not allowed to climb and approach within 3 (three) miles from the active crater G. Talang remember as a central crater eruptions and volcanic gases that can endanger the lives of
2. Communities should be wary of the flow of lava from the eruption of material G. Talang in 2005 in Sungai Batang Ampuan, Kadok Anau River located in the subdistrict G. Gutters and rivers – rivers that disgorge at the top of G. Talang
3. It is expected that communities living around the G. Gutters to stay calm, always maintain communication and coordination to follow and obey all the conditions set by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) West Sumatra Province and Disaster Management Implementing Unit (Satlak PB) and local and central Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, or through the Post G. Observations on the village of Batu Talang Bajanjang, Lembang Jaya District, Solok District.
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