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The evaluation of the level of G. Semeru as follows:

I. Introduction
Mount Semeru is a type-A active Gunungapi monitored continuously. Location G. Semeru administratively located in the District Lumajang and Malang, East Java, and the geographical position on the 8 ° 06 ’30”south latitude and 112 ° 55′ East Longitude. Peak tertingginya Mahameru named (+ 3676 m dpl), located in the old crater wall G. Semeru. Mahameru peak is the highest location on the island of Java.

II. Kegempaan

* G. Kegempaan activities Semeru dated February 6 s / d 4 March 2009 characterized by explosion earthquake 873 events with a range of 34 incidents per day, 3 earthquake events guguran, 18 times the incident Earthquake Tremor Vulkanik.

* Date 5 March 2009 recorded 19 incidents Gempa eruption times, 1 time events tremor with amplituda 3 mm long and 70-second quake, 1-time occurrence Earthquake In Vulkanik (VA) with amplituda 3 mm long and 24-second earthquake, 5 times the incident Tektonik Far (TJ) with amplituda 5 – 28 mm long and 40 quake – 60 seconds.

* Date 6 March 2009 at 00:01:53 WIB Tremor recorded earthquake in the amplituda with a maximum of 10 mm, and accompanied by the sound boom terdengarnya explosion at 00:10:28 WIB heard from G. Observation Post Semeru in G. Sawur, amplituda Earthquake Tremor eruption at that time showed that lasted until overscale at 03:15:57 WIB.

III. Visual

* Activities in ash eruption conditions Waspada (Level II) generally takes place with the eruption interval 20 – 30 minutes with smoke burst altitude of 100 – 400 meters from the summit. Characters eruption is characteristic daily activities, G. Semeru in the status Waspada.

* Since February 7 s / d 5 March 2009, the general Puncak G. Semeru is often fog. On 8 February 2009, from G. Observation Post Mount Semeru in Sawur located 11.5 km to the Northeast Peak G. Semeru, the voice sounded a loud blast. Along with a decrease in the occurrence of earthquake, eruption, the ash eruption visual activity also decreased dramatically and jarangnya observed smoke explosion.

* Date 6 March 2009 at 00:10:28 WIB, when the fog closed the mountain to hear a voice boom from the explosion crater Jonggring Saloko.

IV. Potential Disaster

General character bursting G. Semeru eruption was followed by bursts of gray red-hot lava, and dome growth. Letusannya explosion took place with intervals of 20 – 30 minutes in conditions Waspada (Level II).

Date 6 March 2009 and ash eruption occurred at this time has not been followed by a glide heat clouds that can threaten the safety of people, however, the impact hazard material stack ash eruption along the river in the Peak disembogue G. Semeru could cause a threat in the lava danger season is still ongoing at this time.

Areas potentially affected by the threat of material vulkanik both lava and hot clouds is Rowo Baung Hamlet and Hamlet Supit the area including the Village Pronojiwo; Urip Hamlet in the Village of Urip, Hamlet Hamlet and A Room in the Village Umbulandi Urang Supit. Two hamlets namely Rowo Baung Hamlet and Hamlet Supit is the nearest village to the center that is located bang ± 9 km from the peak of G. Semeru. River – the river that must be because of the threat waspadai hot clouds and lava Bang visit the River, River visit finger bowl and visit Twin River. Potential threat to the higher existence by mining activities, sand G. Semeru Supit and Hamlet in Hamlet Rowo Baung.

V. Conclusion

* There has been an increase in activity G. Semeru since 6 March 2009 are marked by the eruption and the eruption terekamnya Earthquake Tremor.

* Based on data analysis and visual kegempaan then counted on 6 March 2009 at 14:00 WIB, the status of G. Semeru dinaikan from “Waspada” (Level II) to “standby” (Level III)

Intensive monitoring in order to continue to be done to evaluate the level of G. When the activity G. Semeru Semeru increased or decreased again, the status of G. Semeru can be derived or dinaikan back according to the level of activities.

Emergency Response Team will begin to post in berangkatkan G. Semeru in order to perform monitoring and analysis of the data intensive. Coordination with the parties (Satlak SATKORLAK PB and PB) and The Park Bromo, Tengger, Semeru will be improved.

VI. Recommendations

In standby status then recommended as follows:

1. Communities around G. Semeru supposedly remain calm, not terpancing isyu-isyu that are not clear about the eruption G. Semeru and please always follow the direction of Satlak PB and PB SATKORLAK local ..

2. Society does not perform activities in the region so far about 4 km in the southeast slopes of the active crater area of the active crater G. Semeru as clouds glide heat flow.

3. Society does not approach Mahameru and Peak to Peak climb G. Semeru limited to Kalimati area.

4. Community to increase awareness and to prepare a mask (covers nose) to anticipate the impact of ash rain

5. Plane for the flight will cross the region G. Semeru so be careful of the impact of dust explosion hazards.

6. There are still many loose sediment material vulkanik results in the eruption of the crater, in the rainy season the people who live in flood plains and in river beraktifitas visit Twin, visit finger bowl and visit Bang please be – because the heart can be threatened danger hot lava flow

7. Have not seen the need evacuation.

8. Center Vulkanologi Geology and disaster will always coordinate with the National Disaster Relief Agency, Satkorlak PB East Java and Satlak PB. (The evaluation of G. Semeru can be in the “down-loaded” at http: \