Mount Ijen popular call as Kawah Ijen, location beetween Bondowoso region and Banyuwangi region, east Java.  Kawah ijen 2300 metres above sea-level, with volcano is one of several volcanoes located in the 15km diameter including Coffee Plantation area, The volcanic cone of Kawah Ijen dominates the landscape at the eastern end of Java, indonesia. The crater is filled by a spectacular turquoise blue lake

The Lake areal is 45 hectare with Deep of Lake is about 200 m is home to the largest lake of sulfuric acid in the world, the active crater  at Kawah Ijen has an equivalent radius of 361 meters.

Kawah Ijen has erupted six times since 1796, most recently in 1993. Most of the eruptions were phreatic. The eruptions have been small to moderate (VEI=1-2). In 1817, the crater lake collapsed, producing mudflows that destroyed three villages and 90 houses. The number of deaths is unknown, and In late June of 1997, the color of the crater lake changed and seismicity and activity at the fumaroles increased but Ijen did not erupt.

the activity ever record at Activity on 1918, 1921, 1923, 1927, 1929, 1933, 1941.

Sulfur Mines Activity

visit Kawah ijen you will also see the Sulfure mines activity, this control by Company and Now have more than 300 people they work for taking and carrying sulfur stone from Crater, every days total production beetween 15 – 45 ton this is will be change by weather condition for production.

The cooled material is broken into large pieces and carried out in baskets by the miners. Typical loads range from 70–100 kilograms, and must be carried to the crater rim approximately 200 meters above before being carried several kilometers down the mountain. Most miners make this journey twice a day. The miners are paid by a nearby sugar refinery by the weight of sulfur transported; at 2010  the typical daily earnings were equivalent to approximately $10.00  / days

Visit Kawah Ijen

have 2 access for visiting kawah Ijen, via Bondowoso City  will be take about 2-3 hours passing village and Tropical forest and the Road is bad, a lot of hole in road, and some of road is really bad. but using Normall car is still possible.

Via banyuwangi is more easy, but  via this access is no Public transport, you must rent car or using motorcycle from banyuwangi driving about 2 hours to Pal Tuding. Pal tuding is National Park Office Camp, in here  you will hike up about 2 hours to RIM, to see the Acid Lake and Active Crater, normally for tourist  going down to crater or Lake is Forbidden, but  very possible go to there with must be slow , patient and  appreciate  with sulfur  mines.