Aktive vulkaner

Mount Tambora, Indonesia Volcanoes erupted in one of the largest

Mount Tambora, on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia erupted in one of the largest volcanic events,  this is one of past ten thousands years Biggest eruption Ever with Explosive eruption . This one of Volcanoes Eruption with deadliest Volcanoes with more than 92.000 people died, also  dramatic change of Climate in the world in 1815, the eruption produce of Clouds of gas, dust and ash were launched into the upper atmosphere and over the next eighteen months, spread out across…

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MT Merapi eruption 2010 is a second Biggest

“This 2010 Merapi eruption of the second Biggest eruption of Merapi In 100 Years” MT Merapi, location at Central Java with elevation 2998m asl, this Volcano is one of very active volcanoes over the World. ashes going up on MT Merapi eruption 2010, this photo taken from Deles Village 4 km from the Summits Flicker Photography, originally uploaded by Ndeso Adventure. in Oct 26, 2010 17.00 local time  was erupted with explosion, on this first eruption Mt Merapi kill  15…

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