
Gunung ibu (ibu Volcano ) on October 2013, Lava Dome still continuesly eruption

Gunung Ibu, Ibu Volcano locate at Ibu distric west halmahera, North Molucas indonesia. with elevate 1325m asl. Ibu Volcano still continuesly eruption with also Active Lava Dome stil Growing and also high about 1250m asl Ibu is a stratovolcano with a single historic eruption in 1911. The eruption was explosive and made the Crater and until now, still growing and continuesly active since Aug 2009 When I visit Ibu Volcano, some rock fall still continuesly and now, it’s looks merger…

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Lewotobi Volcano raised to Alert – Level 2 from Normal at Sept 30,2013

CVGHM reported that seismicity at Lewotobi Perempuan are increase and from September 30,2013 raised status from Normal to Alert (level II) Lewotobi Volcano 1703m asl is twin Volcano with name Lewotobi Laki-Laki and Lewotobi Perempuan also know as “husband and wife” Volcano. located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores, east Flores Indonesia Lewotobi Perempuan in History ever recorded erupted in 1921 and 1935, 1921 eruption accompanied the eruption of ash hurl stones. While the 1935 eruption of…

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