current eruption

Dukono Volcano on Going Eruption

Dukono is located at the northern most of the Halmahera island. It has a broad profile and is capped by many compound craters. Dukono is a very active volcano. Now in last update on Going eruption with ash rain, also some sands material eruption at December 05,2009 [picasaView album=”DukonoVolcanoHalmahera” instantView=”yes”] “Ternate (ANTARA News) – Mount Dukono in North Halmahera Regency (Halmahera utara), North Maluku eruption with  re-belching ash, following an increase in volcanic activity volcano 1500 meters highes. “Ash from…

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Recent activity Mt Anak Krakatau Mar,2009

Results and visual monitoring of development activities kegempaan Gunungapi Children Krakatau in Lampung Selatan District, Lampung Province: I. Observation Kegempaan At this time G. Son of Krakatau in Waspada status, activities kegempaan since 1 March 2009 as follows: * Date 1 – 18 March 2008, seismograph is often not the road at night (Off Carrier), as a means to share resources that in the weak, this can happen because the weather is often cloudy. Earthquake in vulkanik (VA) recorded an…

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