Mount Slamet still ongoing eruption with Strombolian eruption begin at Aug 12,2014
Mount Slamet or Gunung Slamet is an active stratovolcano in the Purbalingga Regency of Central Java, Indonesia with elevation 3428m Raised to level 3 begin at Aug 12,2014 this made Strombolian eruption with constant magma presure and also tremor and this is some of share photo during Aug 26,2014 Build the Baby of Volcano inside of Main Crater, Eruption type: Strombolian Produce Lava Bomb plume arround 50-100 meter, No Ash material but have lapili and sand material and Gas from…
Volcano Expedition and Photo Expedition Tour Special Eruption with us
Volcano Photo Tours Expedition special eruption, Indonesia Volcanic eruption ongoing on Mt Sinabung Volcano, Mt Dukono, Mount Ibu,Mt Karangetang, Batu Tara Volcano and Paluweh, Mount Rinjani, Mount Bromo, and also Mount Semeru. This design for Volcano Photographer or Photographer interesting with Active Volcanoes in Indonesia
indonesia volcanic eruption November 2013
this just simple update about Indonesia Volcanoes eruption on November 2013 Mount Sinabung, locate at north Sumatera on November 24,2013 has raised to Warning – Level IV (awas) after 18 times continues eruption and evacuate more than 1000o people living near of this Volcano Last known eruption on 1600 and ever reported on 1881 then wake up and active again on Augustus – September 2010 with Vulcanian eruption type. this is small history of Sinabung Volcano August 27, 2010 Small…
Lewotobi Volcano raised to Alert – Level 2 from Normal at Sept 30,2013
CVGHM reported that seismicity at Lewotobi Perempuan are increase and from September 30,2013 raised status from Normal to Alert (level II) Lewotobi Volcano 1703m asl is twin Volcano with name Lewotobi Laki-Laki and Lewotobi Perempuan also know as “husband and wife” Volcano. located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores, east Flores Indonesia Lewotobi Perempuan in History ever recorded erupted in 1921 and 1935, 1921 eruption accompanied the eruption of ash hurl stones. While the 1935 eruption of…
Volcano Batu Tara Update on July Expedition
On July when we made trip to Batu Tara Volcano. During this time the eruption between 20 minute until 60 minutes, This is some photo of Batutara, The small isolated island of Batu Tara in the Flores Sea about 70 km north flores sea, Indonesia This is some of Photos on Batu Tara Volcano expedition on June 2013 with Pierre Vetch, Fabien Cruchon, Marc Callet, Pierre Burgi from a Socièté of Volcanologie of Geneva and July 2013 with French People…
Small Eruption Mount Raung Volcano on Juli 2013
Locate in East Java . Mount Raung Volcano with Elevation 3300m asl type of Volcano is Strato Volcano with Caldera with deep more than 500 m is a unique and big mountain in Java Island. Since raise the level by Volcanology Survey of Indonesia to Level II (alert) Mount Raung already made small Eruption from the Main Crater, Last Known Eruption in 2008 and wake up again at October 2012 3 April-9 April 2013 CVGHM reported that during March…
Colo Volcano – Una Una Island
Gunung Colo (Colo volcano) with elevation 507m asl, located form the isolated small island of Una-Una in the middle of the Gulf of Tomini in central Sulawesi, 45 km from Wakai distric or 75km from Anpana City is a part of Togean Islands. Only three eruptions have been recorded in historical time. The last eruption, in July 1983, produced pyroclastic flows and explosive eruption with alot of Produce Vulcanic ash and sand Material also alot of Lapili over most of…