
Mount Sorik Marapi Update from Normal to Alert (level 2) on December 11,2011

Mount Sorik Marapi entry classification type A, is geographically located the position of 0o 40 ’27 “North Latitude 99o 30′ 24” east longitude with a peak height of about 2145 m above sea level. This volcano is monitored from the Post in the PGA Village Sibangortonga, District Pucuk Sorik Marapi, Mandailing Natal regency. Eruptive activity Mount Marapi Sorik last recorded in 1971 ash eruption. In normal conditions, the number of recordings Volcanic Earthquake In (VA) less than 10 occasions per…

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Kawah Ijen Volcano Update, from Normal to Level 2

Since October – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity G. Ijen volcanic activity is characterized by an increase in both visually, the amount per month Volcanic Earthquake In (VA), Shallow volcanic (VB) and the Earthquake Tremor shots. From 5 – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity was followed also by indicating the Harmonic Tremor Earthquake activity beneath the surface near the crater lake has intensified. In the period 15 – December 17, 2011 there has been a significant increase in…

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Kawah Ijen is Increase status to Level 3

Since October – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity G. Ijen volcanic activity is characterized by an increase in both visually, the amount per month Volcanic Earthquake In (VA), Shallow volcanic (VB) and the Earthquake Tremor shots. From 5 – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity was followed also by indicating the Harmonic Tremor Earthquake activity beneath the surface near the crater lake has intensified. In the period 15 – December 17, 2011 there has been a significant increase in…

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Mount Gamalama in Ternate, still show volcanic activity

Metrotvnews.com, Ternate: Mount Gamalama in Ternate, North Maluku Sunday (18/12), still show volcanic activity. The volcano is still spitting out thick white smoke as high as 50 -100 meters, and level III status is still idle. Although already started to show decline in activity, but data on the post seismograph monitors earthquake tremor was recorded continuously with an amplitude of 0.5 to one millimeter. In addition there are earthquakes gust 15 times since 0:00 until 6:00 pm CDT by between…

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