kawah ijen

From Anak Krakatau to Mt Semeru on May 2012

This is some of Photo update of Vulcanic Activity on our Trip for Volcano Active tour from Anak Krakatoa to Mt Semeru, this trip during on May 03 to May 18,2012 Anak Krakatoa on May 04,2012 litle bit cooling down if compare on April but this still continue have Active Lava Dome Mt Galungung Volcano on this trip, since the Alert Level was raised on 12 February, seismic activity at Galunggung had drastically decreased through 27 May. During 27 April-27…

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Open Group to Climb Mount Semeru 2012

This is we invite another Person to Join with our Group Trip to Climb Mount Semeru Trekking, Mount Bromo Tour and Kawah Ijen Hiking!  and this Group we deigned for Limited with Small Groups 4-6-8 Participants, If you Interesting to Join This Group Trip, feel free to Contact Us  to mail at idtreks.com When: From April 28,2012 to May 02,2012 FULL BOOKED From May 28, 2012 to June 03,2012 FULL BOOKED, From June 06, 2012 to June 10,2012  OPEN 4…

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Kawah Ijen Volcano Update, from Normal to Level 2

Since October – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity G. Ijen volcanic activity is characterized by an increase in both visually, the amount per month Volcanic Earthquake In (VA), Shallow volcanic (VB) and the Earthquake Tremor shots. From 5 – December 14, 2011 increased volcanic activity was followed also by indicating the Harmonic Tremor Earthquake activity beneath the surface near the crater lake has intensified. In the period 15 – December 17, 2011 there has been a significant increase in…

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Kawah Ijen is home to the largest lake of sulfur acid in the world

Mount Ijen popular call as Kawah Ijen, location beetween Bondowoso region and Banyuwangi region, east Java.  Kawah ijen 2300 metres above sea-level, with volcano is one of several volcanoes located in the 15km diameter including Coffee Plantation area, The volcanic cone of Kawah Ijen dominates the landscape at the eastern end of Java, indonesia. The crater is filled by a spectacular turquoise blue lake The Lake areal is 45 hectare with Deep of Lake is about 200 m is home…

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A Guide for Climbing Mount Semeru

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is one of conservation areas which has been already well known by many people, because it has great values of potential aspects both is viewed from cultural history, biodiversity and estetica. This is proved with increasing of people to visit the park with various interests like for recreation, camping climbing, education and research. Realizing that situation, the government had established Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area as a nasional park which was established on November…

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