
Volcano Batu Tara Update on July Expedition

On July when we made trip to Batu Tara Volcano.   During this time the eruption between 20 minute until 60 minutes,  This is some photo of Batutara, The small isolated island of Batu Tara in the Flores Sea about 70 km north flores sea, Indonesia This is some of Photos on Batu Tara Volcano expedition on June 2013 with Pierre Vetch, Fabien Cruchon, Marc Callet, Pierre Burgi from a Socièté of Volcanologie of Geneva and July 2013 with French People…

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Rokatenda Volcano made Fatalies Explosive Eruption

On June, I have 2 times visit Paluweh Volcano, this time i can get very close from the New Lava Dome call name “Rorem Bola” During this Time, Earth Quake coming every 20-30 minute after that at the Dome have small rock fall and also land Shaking.   On July, about 2 week local people report no more earth quake and on July 28,2013 local people report have a plume from the New Lava Dome. after that like no more…

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Small Eruption Mount Raung Volcano on Juli 2013

Locate in East Java . Mount Raung Volcano with Elevation 3300m asl type of Volcano is Strato Volcano with Caldera with deep more than 500 m is a unique and big mountain in Java Island. Since raise the level by Volcanology Survey of Indonesia to Level II (alert) Mount Raung already made small Eruption from the Main Crater, Last Known Eruption in 2008 and wake up again at October 2012   3 April-9 April 2013 CVGHM reported that during March…

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Batu Tara Volcano Expedition and Paluweh Volcano 2013

Note: Expedition to Batu Tara is Isolated island, and the island is No People, Clean water, and we will sleep at Bivak at Front of Batu Tara Volcano at east flank, and sometimes also litle bit difficult for Landing because waves in the beach and YOU MUST HAVE PROCTECTING CAMERA EQUIPMENT from Sea Water is very important Expedition to Paluweh is very Basic facility and NO Accommodation/Hotel. We sleep at Camp/Bivak/Local House and Transport only using Motorcycle, and No Clean…

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Paluweh Volcano Made Pyroclastic Flow into the Sea

People in Palu’e Island they believe if the noisy over the Rokatenda Volcano, they are working Ancestors .. they all went into the plantation, they ran out of fear taken by ancestor spirits. after the check, not the ancestors that worked, but the Volcano is currently active and build a New Lava Dome. People are starting made Local Ceremony, he said in order to send a message to Angry Ancestor is, if we are still alive and still here, we…

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