
Small Eruption Mount Raung Volcano on Juli 2013

Locate in East Java . Mount Raung Volcano with Elevation 3300m asl type of Volcano is Strato Volcano with Caldera with deep more than 500 m is a unique and big mountain in Java Island. Since raise the level by Volcanology Survey of Indonesia to Level II (alert) Mount Raung already made small Eruption from the Main Crater, Last Known Eruption in 2008 and wake up again at October 2012   3 April-9 April 2013 CVGHM reported that during March…

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Paluweh Volcano (Rokatenda) Active Lava Dome

Paluweh Volcano, known as Palue Island locate in Ende Regency, Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia) 8.32°S, 121.708°E; summit elev. 875 m, but this island is a Part of Sikka Regency, when I visit during this trip, still continues to build the New Active Lava Dome. popular call Rokatenda Volcano! this is just share some photos of Active Lava Dove on expedition Trip on November 30,2012 to December 02,2012 first reported by Local people on June 2012 with soo many times earth…

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Mount Raung Produce of Vulcanic Ash Plume and continue eruption

After Vulcanology survey of Indonesia change status of Mount Raung (Gunung Raung Volcano) from Normal to Level II at October 17,2012, on October 19,2012 Mount Raung Already made small eruption inside of Big Caldera with more than 2 Km. During eruption, also with small strombolian , 25 Okt 2012 – Community surrounding Mt. Raung has to be calm and not influenced by irresponsible issue concerning the explosion of Mt. Raung Mount Raung 3332 m is one of the active volcanoes…

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Mount Raung Volcano 3332 m

Mount Raung 3332 m is one of the active volcanoes on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is located in the province of East Java, is a part of 3 distric of Bondowoso, Banyuwangi and Jember. With 2 km wide Caldera surrounded by a grayish rim. The difference in color of the rim and the flanks of the volcanoes is caused by the rim’s lack of vegetation compared with the healthy and extensive vegetation on the flanks Mount Raung…

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